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Can I change Anzio's screen fonts, screen size, and colors?

Yes, under the View menu in AnzioWin and Anzio Lite, you can set the particular screen size and font according to your own preferences. Also note that you can zoom (maximize) the window, in which case Anzio uses the full screen and auto-adjusts the font size to fit to the screen resolution. If the window is NOT zoomed, you can set the font size, and the window size will follow. You can also walk through screen font changes quickly by doing an Alt-L (for "larger", to step up one size), Alt-S ("smaller", step down one size) and Alt-Z (to zoom to full screen).

Your choice of font (in View:Screen font) is critical. You will almost certainly want to choose a fixed-space font, such as Courier New, Lucida Console, or Terminal. We recommend Courier New.

You can also choose your Screen Size, which is the number of rows and columns of characters to be displayed. Note that this may have to be coordinated with the host system. And the host system may periodically send out control sequences to switch from 80-column to 132-column modes, for instance.

Anzio keeps track separately, for 80-column and 132-column modes, of your preferred settings for zoom and character size.

Colors can be manipulated through the View:Colors setting. With this option you can select how each possible attribute from the host appears on the screen, i.e. reverse, blink, underline, etc. Color codes can be translated into a color combination by selecting the code to change, followed by the color from the color table. Whenever the host sends this attribute again, the colors will change (you must repaint the screen for this to take affect).

Be sure after making any of the above changes, that you do File:Save Settings again.

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